Omega Research
Cancer Research Children's Health and Development Diabetes Environmental Concerns Female Health and Reproduction Immune Health Inflammation Lifestyle and Healthy Living Mental/Neurological Health Organ-specific/Physiology Plant-Based GLA (Borage) Benefits Plant-Based Omegas Purity/Safety Considerations Somatosensory System Veterinary Research / Canine & Feline & other Vitamin A Research Vitamin D Research Vitamin E Research
Blood / Hematology
2016/09/09 - PLEFA - Omega-3 FA Lipid Emulsion on Fatty Acid Profiles in Critically Ill Septic Patients
2014/07/21 - Hypertension – Effects of Probiotics on Blood Pressure
2014/03/06 - AJH - EPA+DHA Reduces Systolic Blood Pressure, Meta Analysis
2013/03/04 - PNAS – Omega-3 FA Triglycerides Lower Blood Pressure
2012/11/28 - AJCN – Omega-3 Therapy for Sickle Cell Anemia
2012/06/14 - ANS - High EPA-AA Ratio Associated with Good Outcome in Ischemic Stroke
2011/12/22 - Blood - Omega-3 FA Metabolite Selectively Ablates Leukemia Stem Cells
2011/08/31 - ATVB – ALA Impairs Arterial Thrombus Formation, TF Expression and Platelet Activation
2011/06/04 - APMIS – Omega-3 and Sickle Cell Disease
2011/02/01 - AJCN - Omega-3 And Soy Help Reduce Arterial Stiffness
2010/01/25 - MOM - Omega-3 FA Exhibit Strong Antibacterial Activity with Oral Pathogens
2009/12/01 - UJMS – Fresh Fish Oils Best and Increase Brain Phospholipid
2009/09/03 - CB - Blood Test for Omega-3’s
2008/07/31 - BloodP – Fish oil modulates blood pressure
2008/07/01 - MCP – Lifestyle changes, red yeast rice, fish oil reduced LDL-C similar to statins.
2008/02/02 - NMCD - Non-pharmacological Control of Plasma Cholesterol Levels
2007/08/01 - Hypert - Foods Containing Omega-3s Help To Lower Blood Pressure
2007/07/25 - AJCN – Association Between Omega-3s and Plasma
2007/03/19 - AJC – Safety Considerations With Omega-3 Fatty Acid Therapy
2007/03/19 - AJC – Omega-3 FAs and Bleeding, Cause for Concern?
1998/07/01 - JTT – Fish Oil Supplementation Shows No Adverse Effects With Warfarin
1996/08/01 - AJCN – Fish Oil May Improve The Symptoms Of Pruritus In Hemodialysis Patients
1983/03/01 - Athero – EPA and Platelet Function, Viscosity, and Red Cell Deformability
1981/11/11 - Blood - Omega 3 FA on Platelet Composition and Function in Man