Omega Research
Cancer Research Children's Health and Development Diabetes Environmental Concerns Female Health and Reproduction Immune Health Inflammation Lifestyle and Healthy Living Mental/Neurological Health Organ-specific/Physiology Plant-Based GLA (Borage) Benefits Plant-Based Omegas Purity/Safety Considerations Somatosensory System Veterinary Research / Canine & Feline & other Vitamin A Research Vitamin D Research Vitamin E Research
Immune Health
Immune Support
2018/11/05 - JIMR - Omega-3 Fish Oil Combination Treatment for Acute Paraquat Poisoning
2018/02/07 - AIDS - Omega-3 Decreases IL-6 Levels in HIV and Human Herpesvirus-8 Coinfected Patients
2017/11/11 - JNB - High DHA Fish Oil Linked to Immune Boost in Humans
2017/04/14 - BMCC - Omega-3 FA in Undergoing Surgery for Gastrointestinal Malignancy
2017/03/03 - JICM - Omega-3 Enteral Feeding in Children With Mild to Moderate Sepsis
2017/02/02 - Atherosclerosis - Inflammatory Gene Expression after EPA vs. DHA
2016/10/10 - AnnP - Omega-3 FA on Depressive Symptoms in HIV-Positive Individuals
2016/08/08 - EJP - LCPUFA in Allergy Prevention and Asthma Treatment
2016/08/08 - JPM - Omega-3 FA Modulate Neonatal Cytokine Response to Endotoxin
2016/08/08 - STM –Specific Actions of SPMs on Adaptive Immunity
2016/05/05 - APNM - Essentiality of AA and DHA for Infant Immune System Development
2016/04/12 - Nutrients - The Essentiality of Arachidonic Acid in Infant Development
2016/03/03 - PAI – Infant Formula with LCPUFAs Reduces Incidence of Allergy
2016/02/15 - IJO - Omega-3 FAs Prevent Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis and Later-Life Obesity
2015/09/09 - NM - Novel Resolvins that Increase with Atorvastatin and Clear Infections
2015/06/10 - BJN - Immune Parameters Improved in Response to Fish Oil
2015/01/01 - ARD – Fish Oil Benefits in Rheumatoid Arthritis
2015/01/01 - NeuD – Diet Builds "Epigenetic Memory" in Brain, Conferring Adulthood Resilience
2014/06/06 - JPB - Omega-3 PUFA and Possible Link with Change In Microbiota Composition
2014/03/03 - MNFR – Anti-inflammatory Actions with Omege-3 PUFA Regimens
2013/09/15 - DMRR - LC Omega-3 FA in Obesity-Induced Inflammation
2013/04/02 - JLB - Fish Oil Boosts the Immune System
2013/04/02 - OOOO – Omega-3s for Body Weight Stabilization In Cancer Cachexia
2013/04/01 - IJSNEM – DHA Fish Oil Supplementation and Post Marathon Benefits
2013/03/05 - Cell – PD1 Protects Against Lethal Influenza Virus Infection
2013/02/21 - DHA and Aspirin as Potent Immunoresolvents
2013/01/15 - PLEFA - Omega-3 PUFA Function in Colon Cancer Prevention
2012/12/28 - PLoSO – Omega-3 PUFA Inhibit Human Breast Cancer Cell Growth
2012/12/12 - Pediatrics - Fish Diet and Asthma-Like Symptoms At Preschool Age
2012/12/05 - AJCN – Omega-3 Supplementation in Young, Breastfed Gambian Infants
2012/11/15 - BBI - Fish Oil Supplementation Augments Post-Exercise Immune Function
2012/08/29 - LHD – Fish Oil Provides Significant Differences In Gene Expression
2012/08/21 - BJC – DHA and Immunotherapeutic Implications
2012/06/15 - BJN – Fish Oils on Immune Function and Effects in RA
2012/04/15 - EJCN - Omega-3 FA Beneficial For Reducing Illness
2012/03/15 - COCNMC - Immunomodulation of Microglia by DHA and EPA
2012/02/16 - MolM - Influence of Dietary Components on Regulatory T Cells
2012/02/15 - ADis – Nutrition on Enhancing Immunity in Aging
2011/11/15 - ERCI - Recent Advances in the Field of Nutritional Immunology
2011/10/21 - MilM – Neuroprotection for the Warrior: Supplementation with Omega-3 FA
2011/10/15 - CPL – Omega-3 FA Affect Anti-Microbial Resistance and Immune Cell Organization
2011/06/09 - CriC - Enteral Nutrition with EPA, GLA, and Antioxidants
2010/12/15 - IntI - Immunomodulatory effects of EPA through induction of Treg
2010/07/15 - PLR - Regulatory Activity of PUFA in T-Cell Signaling
2010/06/15 - BLL – PUFA: Heart Disease, Cancer, Immune Resistance and Mental Depression
2010/01/31 - PLEFA – DHA Mediator Benefits Immune and Visual Systems
2009/09/15 - PLEFA – DHA and EPA: Emerging Mediators of Inflammation
2009/09/09 - WJS – Omega-3 Immunonutrition Benefits Systemic Inflammation and Infectious Complications
2008/05/15 - JPGN – LCPUFA Alters Immune Phenotypes
2008/01/21 - JBCR - Anti-Inflammatory Enteral Formula in Treatment of Pediatric Burn Patients.
2007/11/21 - WJS - Perioperative Immunonutrition for Patients with Esophageal Cancer
2007/10/16 - PLEFA – Fish Oil on Immune and Inflammatory Responses
2007/04/19 - CEA - Maternal Fish Intake During Pregnancy and Atopy and Asthma in Infancy
2007/04/15 - JNut - Fish Oil Modulates Immune Function in Healthy Infants
2006/04/23 - COA - Nutrients with Immune-Modulating Effects in the Intensive Care Unit
2004/06/21 - BJN – GLA, STA and EPA on Immune Function in Healthy Young Males
2003/08/20 - ZSSZZ - Effects Of Postburn Dietary Supplementation Of Enhanced Nutrients
2002/05/15 - IJP - Omega-3-FAs Stimulate the Immune System
2002/01/14 - BJN – EPA Benefits in Asthma and Related Immunologic Diseases
2001/04/01 - EJN – Fish Oil Improved Innate Immunity
1999/01/05 - BBB – EPA Has Stronger Effect Than DHA on Immune Functions
1998/06/23 - Nutrition – Omega-3 vs. Omega-6 PUFA in Critical Illness
1998/05/24 - JMAT - Omega-3 FA Supplementation in Immunocompromised Patients
1998/04/23 - NGGZ – Omega-3 PUFA in Surgical Nutrition
1997/10/30 - JNB – DHA Reduces the Thromboxane/Prostacyclin Synthetic Ratio
1990/02/20 - CCM – Nutritional Immunomodulation in Burn Patients
1986/09/15 - JCI - EPA Affects the Functions Critical to Inflammation and Immunity
1986/07/03 - AnnS - Importance of Lipid Type in Diet after Burn Injury