Omega Research
Cancer Research Children's Health and Development Diabetes Environmental Concerns Female Health and Reproduction Immune Health Inflammation Lifestyle and Healthy Living Mental/Neurological Health Organ-specific/Physiology Plant-Based GLA (Borage) Benefits Plant-Based Omegas Purity/Safety Considerations Somatosensory System Veterinary Research / Canine & Feline & other Vitamin A Research Vitamin D Research Vitamin E Research
Immune Health
Acute conditions
2018/11/05 - JIMR - Omega-3 Fish Oil Combination Treatment for Acute Paraquat Poisoning
2018/09/09 - Medicines – Omega-3 FAs, Microbiome and Immune System Link in Modulating Cancer?
2018/08/08 - Diabetes - Transplantation of ω3 PUFA Prevents Obesity and Associated Metabolic Disorders
2018/07/11 - GenesD – Fish Oil Reduces Inflammation and Intestinal Leakiness in Older HIV+ Individuals
2018/04/04 - JZUSB - Effectiveness of Omega-3 PUFA Against Microbial Pathogens
2018/03/17 - Nutrients - Comprehensive Nutritional and Dietary Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder
2018/03/03 - LHD - N-3 PUFA Improve Lipoprotein Particle Size and Concentration in Japanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertriglyceridemia
2018/03/03 - GCNA - Nutritional Interventions in the Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
2018/02/07 - AIDS - Omega-3 Decreases IL-6 Levels in HIV and Human Herpesvirus-8 Coinfected Patients
2018/02/02 - PNS – VLC Omega-3 FA And Human Health: Fact, Fiction and The Future
2018/02/01 - JNutr – Omega FAs May Reduce Autism Symptoms
2018/01/01 - Nutrition - 3 PUFA in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
2017/12/12 - Medicine – FA Components in Asian Female Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
2017/12/12 - Rheumatology - Omega-3 FA Biomarkers and Inflammatory Arthritis
2017/12/12 - IJMS - Impact of Omega-3 FA on the Gut Microbiota
2017/11/11 - JNB - High DHA Fish Oil Linked to Immune Boost in Humans
2017/09/26 - Gut - Omega-3 PUFA on the Human Intestinal Microbiota
2017/09/20 - EHD - Omega-3-6 FA and Processings In Preterm Toddlers with ASD Symptoms
2017/09/18 - EurNeur - Omega-3 for Autism Spectrum Disorders
2017/09/01 - JNeur - Resolution of inflammation, Omega-3 FAs and Alzheimer Disease
2017/08/08 - CRB - Docosahexaenoic Acid - One Molecule Diverse Functions
2017/08/08 - CSC - Omega-3 FA in Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia in HIV/AIDS Patients
2017/08/08 - AMI – EPA and Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
2017/08/08 - FronE - Ratio of Bioactive Lipids in the Pathobiology of Diabetes Mellitus
2017/07/26 - JADD - Omegas Benefiting Toddlers Exhibiting Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms
2017/07/21 - Nutrients - Can Early Omega-3 FA Reduce Risk of Childhood Allergic Disease
2017/07/07 - PharmacognM - Fish Oil Reduces Mortality Due to Immunomodulation
2017/07/07 - Diabetologia - FA Status in Infancy Associated with Risk of Type 1 Diabetes
2017/07/01 - Nutrition - Effect of Omega-3 PUFA on Arthritic Pain
2017/06/21 - ACR - Fish Consumption and Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis
2017/06/15 - PLEFA – Omega-3 FA Inversely Associated with Incident Dementia
2017/06/06 - DNACB - DHA and Aspirin Combination Significantly Benefits Parkinson’s Disease
2017/06/06 - MicroP - Antibacterial DHA, EPA Activities Against Planktonic and Biofilm Growth
2017/06/06 - MicroP - Antibacterial DHA, EPA Activities Against Planktonic and Biofilm Growth
2017/06/06 - WJS - Enteral Diet Enriched with Omega-3 FA Improves Oxygenation
2017/04/14 - BMCC - Omega-3 FA in Undergoing Surgery for Gastrointestinal Malignancy
2017/04/04 - JCI – Omega 3 PUFA Ameliorate Type 1 Diabetes And Autoimmunity
2017/04/04 - ERMPS – Halting Type 1 Diabetes Progression with Vitamin D and Omega-3 FA?
2017/04/04 - JPed - Breastfeeding, PUFA Levels in Colostrum, and Child Intelligence Quotient
2017/03/28 - ACR - Dietary Intake of PUFA and Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
2017/03/23 - ART - DHA Brain Uptake and APOE4 Status
2017/03/21 - PLoSM - Association Between Brain O-3 FA and Alzheimer Disease
2017/03/03 - JAMANeu - DHA With Alzheimer Disease Stage in Apolipoprotein E ε4 Carriers
2017/03/03 - EJN - DHA Benefits to Coeliac Patients Vulnerable to Psychological Distress
2017/03/03 - JICM - Omega-3 Enteral Feeding in Children With Mild to Moderate Sepsis
2017/03/03 - COCNMC - Omega-3 FA For Prevention-Treatment Of Cognitive Decline, Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease
2017/03/03 - SciR – B. breve with ALA Alters Factors in Fat Metabolism and Absorption
2017/02/09 - JCII – Fish Oil Asthma Benefits May be Blocked by Medication
2017/02/02 - Atherosclerosis - Inflammatory Gene Expression after EPA vs. DHA
2017/02/02 - Nutrients - Relationship between LC Omega-3 PUFA and Autism Spectrum Disorder
2017/01/15 - BBI - Effects of DHA on the Microbiome and Behavior
2016/12/29 - NEJM - Fish Oil in Pregnancy and Wheeze and Asthma in Offspring
2016/12/12 - IJN - Omega-3 PUFA through the Lifespan – Implication for Psychopathology
2016/12/12 - NRR – Review - DHA and Health: Cognitive Function Ageing
2016/12/12 - JNB - Omega-3 DHA on the Hallmarks of Alzheimer's Disease
2016/12/12 - LHD - Cardiac Autonomic and Hemodynamic Function of Omega-3 with Arthritis
2016/11/22 - JPB – ALA and GLA to Attenuate Valproic Acid-Induced Autism-Like Features
2016/11/11 - Biochimie - DHA Transport to Brain and Therapy for Neurodegenerative Diseases
2016/10/10 - AnnP - Omega-3 FA on Depressive Symptoms in HIV-Positive Individuals
2016/10/07 - FASEB – Omega-3s’ in Reducing Aβ Accumulation for AD Prevention
2016/10/01 - JAD – DHA Significantly Slows the Progression of Hippocampal Atrophy
2016/09/09 - PLEFA - Omega-3 FA Lipid Emulsion on Fatty Acid Profiles in Critically Ill Septic Patients
2016/08/11 - PLoSO - Silica-Triggered Autoimmunity in Lupus Blocked by DHA
2016/08/08 - JAMANeu - Association of Serum DHA with Cerebral Amyloidosis
2016/08/08 - EJP - LCPUFA in Allergy Prevention and Asthma Treatment
2016/08/08 - EJP – EPA and DHA Resolvins as Therapeutics For Arthritis
2016/08/08 - JPM - Omega-3 FA Modulate Neonatal Cytokine Response to Endotoxin
2016/08/08 - STM –Specific Actions of SPMs on Adaptive Immunity
2016/07/27 - Neuroscience – Omega-3 FA Alleviate Cognitive, Behavioral Deficits in Alzheimer’s
2016/07/26 - NDT - Critical Appraisal of n-3 FAs in ADHD Treatment
2016/06/08 - Cytokine – Omega-3 FA and T-helper Cytokines in Children with Asthma
2016/06/06 - Trials – Vitamin D and Omega-3 FA for Autism Spectrum Disorder
2016/06/06 - ART - APOE Genotype and DHA to Cerebrospinal Fluid in Alzheimer's Disease
2016/06/06 - JCL - DHA-Enriched Fish Oil as Benefiting Type 2 Diabetic Patients
2016/06/06 - MultSc – High Omega-3 PUFA and Decreased Risk of Central Nervous System Demyelination
2016/05/27 - PLoSO – Omega PUFA Correlations with ADHD and Autistic Spectrum Disorder
2016/05/05 - APNM - Essentiality of AA and DHA for Infant Immune System Development
2016/04/12 - Nutrients - The Essentiality of Arachidonic Acid in Infant Development
2016/04/04 - PLR – EPA and DHA for Major Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease
2016/03/23 - JNB – DHA on the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease
2016/03/03 - PAI – Infant Formula with LCPUFAs Reduces Incidence of Allergy
2016/03/03 - PLoSO - Omega 3 FA and Oxidative Stress in HIV-Seropositive Patients
2016/02/17 - Nutrients - Docosahexaenoic Acid and Cognition throughout the Lifespan
2016/02/15 - IJO - Omega-3 FAs Prevent Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis and Later-Life Obesity
2016/01/27 - EJN - LCω3PUFAs Inversely Associated with Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome
2016/01/06 - JAD - Omega-3 FA Enhance Prevention of Cognitive Decline by B Vitamins
2016/01/05 - JCACAP - Omega-6 to Omega-3 FA Ratio in Patients with ADHD
2016/01/01 - JAD - Omega-3 FA on Memory Functions in Healthy Older Adults
2015/12/12 - NAJMS - Fish Oil and Seizure Control with Medically Resistant Epilepsy
2015/11/11 - WJG - Gut Microbiota and Host Metabolism In Liver Cirrhosis-Review
2015/11/09 - CTAD - DHA in Supporting Brain Health/Dementia Intervention
2015/11/03 - GJHS - Omega-3 FAs in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
2015/10/01 - JAD – FA Profiles, Cognition, Gender in Alzheimer’s Disease
2015/09/28 - BJN - Plasma Omega-3 FAs and Recent-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis
2015/09/09 - F1000R – FA and Microbiota Regulate Energy Metabolism
2015/09/09 - NM - Novel Resolvins that Increase with Atorvastatin and Clear Infections
2015/08/27 - LipidT - EPA with Probiotic Bacteria to Dampen Inflammatory Response
2015/08/02 - BRI – Omega-3 in Early Prevention of Neurodegenerative Disease - Review
2015/07/10 - AJCN – B Vitamin Benefits In Subjects with High Omega-3s
2015/07/07 - BJN - DHA Protects Against Experimental Colitis
2015/07/07 - PLoSO - Fish Oil Accelerates Diet-Induced Entrainment of Mouse Circadian Clock
2015/07/04 - ART - Effects of Uridine, DHA, Choline, and Other Nutrients in Alzheimer's Disease
2015/06/10 - BJN - Immune Parameters Improved in Response to Fish Oil
2015/06/06 - SciR - Microbiome Interaction Mediates Effects of Omega-6 and Omega-3 FAs
2015/06/06 - JNeuro – Omega-3 FA Augment Actions in Alzheimer’s Disease
2015/05/27 - DigDis - Diet, Bile Acid Metabolism, Gut Microbiota, and IBD
2015/05/21 - FAN - Omega-3 FA Enhance Cognitive Flexibility in At-Risk Older Adults
2015/03/24 - FASEB – Significant Immune and Biochemical Effects of Omega-3
2015/03/03 - COCNMC - Current Evidence - Future Directions for Research with n-3 FAs and ADHD
2015/02/16 - MarD - Fish Oil in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
2015/01/01 - ARD – Fish Oil Benefits in Rheumatoid Arthritis
2015/01/01 - NeuD – Diet Builds "Epigenetic Memory" in Brain, Conferring Adulthood Resilience
2015/01/01 - GutM - Excessive Fish Oil Can Prime Offspring to Harbor Intestinal Pathobionts
2014/10/20 - NutD – Omega-3 Benefits for Latent Autoimmune Diabetes In Adults
2014/10/05 - MRMC – Omega-3 LC-PUFAs in Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome
2014/09/09 - Aging - Reversal of Cognitive Decline: A Novel Therapeutic Program
2014/09/09 - ARS - Fish Oil’s Antioxidant Capacity and Mitochondrial FA Oxidation
2014/08/08 - MolN – Fish Oil to Help Preserve Brain Integrity in Chronic Alcohol Abusers
2014/08/08 - MolE - Omega-3 PUFA Confers Resistance to Obesity, Dyslipidemia, and Diabetes
2014/07/02 - BMCP - Reduced Respiratory Illnesses and Diarrhea in Infants Fed LCPUFA Formula
2014/07/01 - ISSFAL-Researchers Confirm “Gut Instinct” of Omega-3 Anti-Inflammatory Effects
2014/06/23 - PLoSO - Cerebrospinal Fatty Acid Levels Altered in Alzheimer's Disease
2014/06/18 - AlzD - Fish Oil and Preservation of Brain Volume and Cognitive Function
2014/06/15 - Pediatrics - Fewer Episodes/Shorter Duration of ARI Associated with FUF Consumption
2014/06/06 - BJM - Dietary Interventions May Play Role in Prevention of AD
2014/06/06 - JPB - Omega-3 PUFA and Possible Link with Change In Microbiota Composition
2014/06/06 - JPGN - Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid Supplementation in Children with Autism
2014/05/12 - EJLST – Increased Immune Response with Omega-3s and Bacteria/Probiotics
2014/04/04 - JIM - Omega-3s Across Blood-Brain Barrier in Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease
2014/03/03 - MNFR – Anti-inflammatory Actions with Omege-3 PUFA Regimens
2014/01/05 - Athero - Omega-3 PUFAs Improved Endothelial Function and Arterial Stiffness in MetS
2014/01/01 - JAD - Omega-3 FA and Alpha Lipoic Acid in Alzheimer's Disease
2014/01/01 - PLoSO - Parental Omega-3 FA Intake on Offspring Microbiome and Immunity
2013/09/30 - ARD – Fish Oil Offers Additional Rheumatoid Arthritis Benefits
2013/09/26 - AlzhRT – Fish Oil PUFA, New Therapeutic Approach to Brain Disorder
2013/09/15 - DMRR - LC Omega-3 FA in Obesity-Induced Inflammation
2013/09/09 - JImm - Parental Dietary Fat Intake Alters Offspring Microbiome And Immunity
2013/08/28 - BJN – Omega-6 PUFA Diets Induce Intestinal Microbial Dysbiosis in Aged Mice
2013/08/12 - ARD - Omega-3 PUFAs Decrease Risks of Rheumatoid Arthritis
2013/07/10 - PLoSO – PUFA in Cord Serum Phospholipids Predict Allergy Development
2013/06/15 - JAD - DHA and EPA beneficial in Alzheimer’s Disease
2013/05/15 - AJPG–Dietary Oils Modify Host Immune Response and Colonic Tissue Damage
2013/05/10 - CIA - Management of Omega-3 Deficiencies in Alzheimer's Patients
2013/04/29 - AJOG - Prenatal EPA/DHA for Increased Immune Protection
2013/04/24 - EJCN - Maternal Fish Consumption and Risks of Wheezing and Eczema in Childhood
2013/04/15 - JOG - Omega-3 Efficacy in Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
2013/04/02 - JLB - Fish Oil Boosts the Immune System
2013/04/02 - OOOO – Omega-3s for Body Weight Stabilization In Cancer Cachexia
2013/04/01 - IJSNEM – DHA Fish Oil Supplementation and Post Marathon Benefits
2013/03/08 - BJN – Maternal Fish Intake During Pregnancy is Protective Against Asthma
2013/03/07 - JPEN – Fish Oil Emulsion with Anti-Inflammatory Effect in Elderly ICU Patients
2013/03/06 - PLoSO - Fish oil Attenuates Omega-6 PUFA-Induced Dysbiosis and Infectious Colitis
2013/03/05 - Cell – PD1 Protects Against Lethal Influenza Virus Infection
2013/03/03 - JNHA – LCPUFAs for Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer's Disease
2013/02/21 - DHA and Aspirin as Potent Immunoresolvents
2013/02/21 - COP - Fish Oils for Inflammatory Conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis
2013/02/08 - BMCPH - Pre- and Postnatal Exposures on Asthma in Childhood
2013/01/15 - PLEFA - Omega-3 PUFA Function in Colon Cancer Prevention
2013/01/01 - JAD - Increased Plasma-TTR in Alzheimer's Disease Patients with Omega-3 FA Treatment
2012/12/28 - PLoSO – Omega-3 PUFA Inhibit Human Breast Cancer Cell Growth
2012/12/12 - BJN - Improved Pulmonary Function With Intervention Including Fish And Probiotic Foods
2012/12/12 - Pediatrics - Fish Diet and Asthma-Like Symptoms At Preschool Age
2012/12/05 - AJCN – Omega-3 Supplementation in Young, Breastfed Gambian Infants
2012/11/15 - BBI - Fish Oil Supplementation Augments Post-Exercise Immune Function
2012/10/15 - CAR – A Combination of EPA and DHA Benefits Alzheimer’s Patients
2012/10/02 - NRN - Influence Of Nutritional Factors On Prognosis Of Multiple Sclerosis
2012/08/29 - LHD – Fish Oil Provides Significant Differences In Gene Expression
2012/08/21 - BJC – DHA and Immunotherapeutic Implications
2012/08/01 - CEA - Fish Oil Benefits Developing Infant Immune Responses
2012/08/01 - BJN - Maternal FA Intake During Pregnancy and Allergies in Offspring
2012/06/15 - BJN – Fish Oils on Immune Function and Effects in RA
2012/06/13 - CDSR - Omega 3 FA for Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Dementia
2012/06/02 - Neurology - Omega-3 May Boost Memory
2012/05/15 - OsteoC - Association of Omega-6 and Omega-3 PUFA with Osteoarthritis
2012/05/03 - MolN – Omega-3 PUFA Identified with Efficacy in AD
2012/04/24 - PLoSO – Omega-3 FAs Affecting Genetic Expression, Inflammation, and AD
2012/04/15 - EJCN - Omega-3 FA Beneficial For Reducing Illness
2012/03/15 - COCNMC - Immunomodulation of Microglia by DHA and EPA
2012/02/16 - MolM - Influence of Dietary Components on Regulatory T Cells
2012/02/15 - ADis – Nutrition on Enhancing Immunity in Aging
2012/02/01 - MAM – Fish Oil Exerts Immunomodulatory Effects
2012/01/31 - PML - Supplementation Of Omega-3 PUFA In Pulmonary Disease
2012/01/15 - AdvN - EPA and DHA: Health Benefits Throughout Life
2012/01/01 - CPD – Omega-3 FA for Cardiovascular AND Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Reductions
2012/01/01 - JAD - FA profiles in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease
2011/12/28 - Neurology - Alzheimer's: Diet Patterns May Keep Brain from Shrinking
2011/11/15 - ERCI - Recent Advances in the Field of Nutritional Immunology
2011/10/21 - MilM – Neuroprotection for the Warrior: Supplementation with Omega-3 FA
2011/10/15 - CPL – Omega-3 FA Affect Anti-Microbial Resistance and Immune Cell Organization
2011/10/09 - EBCAM - Treatment Of RA With Combination Of Marine & Botanical Oils
2011/10/01 - CII – DHA, Potential Anticancer Immunogenic Chemotherapeutic Agent
2011/08/16 - CPB – DHA Protects Against Zinc Mediated Alterations
2011/08/08 - PAI – Allergic Disease in Relation to Omega-3 FA and Maternal Omega-3s
2011/08/01 - CurrAR – Omega-3 PUFA for Alzheimer's Disease Treatment
2011/07/20 - IJVNR - Poor Vitamin D Status Linked To Reduced Anti-Inflammatory Capacity?
2011/07/12 - Pediatrics – High DHA for Preterm Infants re: Respiratory and Allergy Benefits
2011/07/01 - BJOG - Perinatal Omega-3 FA On Inflammatory Markers & Allergic Diseases
2011/06/22 - CCT – Omega-3 LCPUFA to Reduce Allergic Disease in Childhood
2011/06/09 - CriC - Enteral Nutrition with EPA, GLA, and Antioxidants
2011/05/05 - JN – Fish Oil Rapidly Incorporates EPA into White Blood Cells
2011/05/05 - JADD - A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Of Omega-3 FA For Autism
2011/04/24 - MCN - FAs on Immune Function of Children in Low-Income Countries
2011/03/29 - BJN – ALA and Low Omega-6:3 Ratio Benefit Asthma Control
2011/03/17 - JPEN - Alterations In Circulating FA Composition In Patients With Systemic Lupus
2011/03/14 - AgeingRR - Impact Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids In Parkinson's Disease
2011/03/03 - PedR - Balancing The Infant Immune System And Allergic Status
2011/02/01 - JI – Omega-3 Resolvins for Controlling Virus-Induced Ocular Inflammation
2011/01/26 - FroP - Microbial Induction of Immunity, Inflammation, and Cancer
2011/01/24 - LHD – Omega-3s Augment Lipoxins, Resolvins, Protectins And Maresins Ameliorating Autoimmune Diseases
2011/01/05 - PLoSO – DHA Protectin Induces Protective Mechanisms in Alzheimer’s Disease
2010/12/22 - JIM – Benefits of Omega-3 FA and L-Carnitine in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
2010/12/15 - NutR - DHA Acts To Oppose The Pathogenesis Of Alzheimer's Disease
2010/12/15 - IntI - Immunomodulatory effects of EPA through induction of Treg
2010/11/01 - CDerm – Nutrition and Psoriasis
2010/11/01 - LHD - PUFAs For Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease Conditions
2010/11/01 - NC – Omega-3 FA Benefit Head And Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Major Surgery
2010/09/09 - NeuA – High-Fat Diet with Low Omega-3 PUFA Intake Aggravates AD
2010/08/08 - PNS - Immunology Of Pregnancy
2010/08/01 - PNS – EFAs in Early Life May Decrease Risk of Allergic Disease
2010/07/15 - PLR - Regulatory Activity of PUFA in T-Cell Signaling
2010/07/01 - LHD – Fish Oil Decreases Inflammation and Protects DNA
2010/07/01 - NRGH - Food Allergy: Separating The Science From The Mythology
2010/06/16 - MolN – Omega-3 FAs Cover Many Steps of AD Pathogenic Cascade
2010/06/15 - BLL – PUFA: Heart Disease, Cancer, Immune Resistance and Mental Depression
2010/06/01 - ArcN - Food Combination And Alzheimer Disease Risk: A Protective Diet
2010/05/24 - JADA - Omega-3 FA and Peridontitis in US Adults
2010/05/05 - JI – Omega-3 FA Suppress Mitochondrial Translocation
2010/05/05 - JNB - Anti-inflammatory EPA and DHA dependent upon time and dose-response
2010/05/01 - FEMSML – EPA Involved In Bacterial Cell Entry or Blockage
2010/04/04 - PLEFA - Dietary Fatty Acids and Arthritis
2010/04/01 - AgeRR - Dietary Fatty Acids In Dementia And Predementia Syndromes
2010/04/01 - JNut - DHA May Prevent Age-Related Dementia
2010/03/08 - NeuroLet – Fish Oil and Green Tea EGCG Benefit Alzheimer’s Disease
2010/03/01 - COCNMC - Nutritional And Clinical Significance Of Lipid Rafts
2010/01/31 - PLEFA – DHA Mediator Benefits Immune and Visual Systems
2010/01/25 - MOM - Omega-3 FA Exhibit Strong Antibacterial Activity with Oral Pathogens
2010/01/15 - JouR - Vitamin D and the Immune System
2010/01/01 - NNWSPP – Balanced Omega-3/Omega-6 Ratio Significant for Allergy Prevention
2009/12/09 - CRAI – Fish Oil May Reduce Prevalence And Severity Of Atopic Dermatitis
2009/11/01 - JCBN –Omega-3 FA and Plasma FA Composition with Obstructive Jaundice
2009/10/21 - AJCN – Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation And Persons With HIV
2009/09/15 - PLEFA – DHA and EPA: Emerging Mediators of Inflammation
2009/09/09 - WJS – Omega-3 Immunonutrition Benefits Systemic Inflammation and Infectious Complications
2009/09/01 - NCP - Fish Oil Lipid Emulsions And Immune Response
2009/09/01 - PLR - Fish, DHA, and Alzheimer's Disease
2009/08/01 - PR - Omega-3 FAs During The Last Trimester Dampen Allergic Inflammation
2009/08/01 - JPed – Lupus Associated With Vitamin D Deficiency
2009/07/01 - AJCN - Omega-3 FA in Relation to Long-Term Dementia Risk
2009/07/01 - ATHM - Allergy, Apraxia, and Malabsorption Responds to Omega-3 FAs
2009/06/01 - AcP - Fish Oil In Pregnancy/Lactation May Decrease Infant Allergy
2009/06/01 - ActaC – Omega-3 FAs Improve Cardiovascular Risk Profile
2009/02/01 - PLEFA – Omega-3 FAs Benefit Multiple Sclerosis Patients
2009/01/15 - IAAI - Omega-3 PUFA in Asthma After Low-Dose Allergen Challenge
2009/01/01 - ADC - Early Introduction Of Fish Decreases The Risk Of Eczema In Infants
2009/01/01 - CPD – Omega-3 FA and Immune-mediated Diseases
2009/01/01 - JNB - Increased Intake Of Omega-3 PUFA May Lower AD Risk
2008/12/24 - ARHR - Vitamin D Deficiency in HIV-infected Patients
2008/12/17 - PBC - EPA supplement for malignancy-related weight loss in children
2008/12/11 - Aquaculture - Pro-Inflammatory Expression In Replacing Fish Oil With Rapeseed Oil/Farmed Fish
2008/12/01 - JN – Omega-6, Arachidonic Acid, and the Brain
2008/11/01 - PNS - Nutrition and Autoimmune Disease PUFA
2008/10/08 - CanL - Rationale For Using Long-Chain N-3 Pufas In Cancer Prevention And Treatment
2008/08/08 - MinP - Omega-3: From Cod-Liver Oil To Nutrigenomics
2008/08/01 - PNBP - Omega-3 FA in Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
2008/07/25 - Lipids – Fish oils observed as therapeutic for the immune system
2008/07/07 - EpiB – Omega-3 Neuroprotective Activity in Epilepsy-Induced Hippocampal Damage
2008/07/01 - ESSR – Omega-3 FA to Manage Exercise-Induced Asthma
2008/06/01 - EBM – Omega-6/3 Ratio in Cardiovascular and Chronic Diseases
2008/05/16 - CP – Review: Fish Oil Has Shown its Various Benefits in Prevention of Illness and Disease
2008/05/15 - JPGN – LCPUFA Alters Immune Phenotypes
2008/05/01 - FB – Omega-3 FAs and Autoimmunity and Osteoporosis
2008/04/25 - Nutrition – Fish oil maintained blood levels in rats with sepsis
2008/04/11 - JAMA - Omega-3 Not Effective For Prevention Of Relapse In Crohn Disease
2008/04/01 - BJD – DHA in Atopic Eczema
2008/03/01 - HMR – High Omega-3 Improves Insulin Sensitivity, Reduces CRP and IL6
2008/02/01 - NCP – Fish Oils and Immunomodulation
2008/01/24 - EJN – DHA may have role in protecting against Alzheimers
2008/01/21 - MP – DHA may help kill cancer cells
2008/01/21 - JBCR - Anti-Inflammatory Enteral Formula in Treatment of Pediatric Burn Patients.
2008/01/01 - IR - Omega-3s and of Calorie Restriction for Immune Health
2008/01/01 - APJCN – DHA Associated With Reduced Prevalence Of Atopic Eczema: Study
2008/01/01 - MedH – PUFA, the Endogenous ‘Polypill’ for Prevention of Brain Disorders
2007/12/01 - JNeurosci – DHA for Prevention of Alzheimer's disease
2007/12/01 - NutR - High Omega-6 May Contribute To Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
2007/11/27 - ZWCWKZZ - omega-3PUFAs inhibit the growth of gastric cancer cells through promoting apoptosis
2007/11/21 - WJS - Perioperative Immunonutrition for Patients with Esophageal Cancer
2007/10/16 - PLEFA – Fish Oil on Immune and Inflammatory Responses
2007/09/01 - SWJ - Omega-3 PUFAs Anti-Inflammatory Properties Alleviate Many Common Diseases
2007/08/27 - AR – Omega 3s can lower triglyceride levels in AIDS patients.
2007/06/01 - JACN – Omega-3 FAs Associated With Reduced Allergic Rhinitis: Study
2007/05/01 - PNS - Effects Of Omega-3 FAs Improve Immune Function
2007/04/19 - CEA - Maternal Fish Intake During Pregnancy and Atopy and Asthma in Infancy
2007/04/15 - JNut - Fish Oil Modulates Immune Function in Healthy Infants
2007/04/01 - AJCN – DHA in Alzheimer Disease
2007/03/01 - ArR – Omega-3s Inhibit Inflammatory Response In Rheumatoid Arthritis
2007/01/01 - Imm - Nutrition and immune system: PUFAs differently modify membrane composition
2007/01/01 - ExpG - The Role Of Insulin And Omega-3 FAs In Brain Aging and Alzheimer's Disease
2006/12/01 - AJEpi - Greater Omega-3 Intake Associated With Lower Risk For Lymphomas
2006/12/01 - CPB – GLA, An Anti-Inflammatory Omega-6 Fatty Acid
2006/07/01 - GNurs – Omega-3 FAs as Adjunctive Therapy in Crohns Diesease
2006/06/01 - AJCN - Multifaceted and Beneficial Role of EPA and DHA in Inflammation
2006/04/23 - COA - Nutrients with Immune-Modulating Effects in the Intensive Care Unit
2006/04/15 - COCC – Current Nutritional Support via Enteral Supplementation
2006/04/03 - AACR - Finding suggest EPA and DHA inhibit bile duct carcinoma cell growth
2006/04/01 - CCMed - In hospital care, fish oil may shorten length of stay and improve outcomes
2006/03/07 - BrJC - Omega-3s Reduce Risk Induced By Omega-6s
2006/02/01 - AJCN - EPA has greater effects on innate immune function in older men
2006/01/01 - ARN – FAs as Modulators of the Immune Response
2006/01/01 - ART - Fish Oil: What The Doctor and Patient Need To Know
2006/01/01 - NutH - Avoidable Brain Dysfunctions with Adequate Dietary Omega-3
2005/12/27 - EJCN - Benefits of fish oil in asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.
2005/12/12 - APT – Omega-3 FA Inhibit Increase of Proinflammatory Cytokines
2005/11/02 - JNCI - GLA reduced tumor expression, synergistic benefits
2005/10/28 - BBRC - Polyunsaturated fatty acids and anti-infammation in monocyte THP-1 cells
2005/10/01 - BJD – Diet (Omega-3 FAs) and Psoriasis
2005/09/01 - JPGN – Breast Milk FAs Associated with Infant Atopic Dermatitis
2005/08/01 - BJD - Fish Oil Omega-3s Beneficial for Psoriasis and Inflammation
2005/07/01 - JNut - Investigators learn more about role of fish oil in immume health, preliminary report
2005/06/29 - EJCN - More omega-3 in blood helps folks with allergies
2005/06/06 - JAsth – Omega-3 PUFA and Airway Hyperresponsiveness In Asthma
2005/06/01 - MSciM - Time to more thoroughly investigate role of essential fats for acquired immune deficiency
2005/06/01 - JMF - Omega-3 FA In Autoimmune Diseases, Mental Health, And Gene Expression
2005/06/01 - COACI – Omega-3 FA May Prevent Allergic And Other Immune-Mediated Diseases
2005/05/25 - ARCDB – DHA: Breastmilk and Fish are Good for You
2005/04/01 - ACLS - Omega-3 FA Antioxidant Qualities Protect Tissues
2005/02/22 - Nutrition - Supplementation of Fish Oil and Olive Oil in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
2005/02/01 - PR – Fish Oil Modifies Neonatal Progenitors at Birth for Atopy
2005/02/01 - JNB – Nutritional Regulation of Immunosenescence for Heart Health
2005/01/01 - JADA - Omega-3 FAs in Patients with Asthma
2004/12/01 - JNut - Omega-3 FA and Cancer Therapy
2004/12/01 - JACM - Omega-3 FAs and Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Asthma
2004/11/01 - JACI - Fish Oil and Children at-Risk for Asthma, 3-Year Study
2004/11/01 - CurrAthR - Omega-3s Modulate Inflammation
2004/11/01 - AJCN - Fish oil plus antioxidants shown to favorably modulate inflammatory markers in individuals with crohn's
2004/08/01 - CEI – Omega Ratio Influences Neonatal Immunology Tolerance
2004/07/01 - AFP - Omega-3 Fatty Acids Benefit CHD
2004/06/21 - BJN – GLA, STA and EPA on Immune Function in Healthy Young Males
2004/06/01 - ICT- Review discusses mechanisms for understanding benefits of fish oil in malignancy and cachexia
2004/06/01 - IJPO – Flavored CLO And Multivitamin-Mineral For Children With Chronic Sinusitis
2004/04/01 - AJCN - DHA Suppresses T Lymphocyte Activation
2004/03/01 - COCNMC - Omega-3 PUFAs And Allergic Disease
2004/03/01 - FRR – Fish Oil Helps In Prevention Of Allergic Disease In Early Life
2003/11/15 - AJRCCM – Fish Oil Reduces Severity of Exercise-induced Bronchoconstriction
2003/11/03 - BrJC – Omegas and Breast Cancer: The Singapore Chinese Health Study
2003/09/01 - AJCN – Fish Oil Helps Immune Response By Reducing Inflammation
2003/08/20 - EJMR - Dietary Fatty Acids And Immune Reactions
2003/08/20 - ZSSZZ - Effects Of Postburn Dietary Supplementation Of Enhanced Nutrients
2003/07/01 - AJP - Lithium-Associated Psoriasis and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
2003/04/01 - CEA - Prenatal Omega-3 Supplementation Benefits Neonatal Immune Function
2003/04/01 - Lipids – Omega-6 essentiality and the balance between Omega-6 and Omega-3
2003/02/01 - EJCN - Nutrient Intake Is Altered In Eye Syndrome
2002/12/01 - JACN - Omega-3 Fatty Acids In Inflammation And Autoimmune Diseases
2002/11/01 - CCR - Benefits Of Omega-3, Reducing Risk In Breast Oncology, Found In Animal Study
2002/08/01 - AJCN - Impact of fish oil on TNF influenced by genetic polymorphisms
2002/08/01 - PNS - Consuming fish oil reduces inflammation
2002/06/01 - PriC – Omega-3 FA and Respiratory and Allergic Diseases
2002/05/15 - IJP - Omega-3-FAs Stimulate the Immune System
2002/05/01 - DT – Chronic and Compromised Cognitive Status
2002/03/23 - AdvT - Effect of Cod Liver Oil on Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
2002/01/14 - BJN – EPA Benefits in Asthma and Related Immunologic Diseases
2002/01/01 - BJN – Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Psoriasis
2001/10/01 - Nut - Fish Oil May Help You Live Longer
2001/09/01 - Lipids – PUFAs, inflammation and immunity
2001/07/15 - Lipids - Lipids Altered Following Burn Injury
2001/07/07 - JNut - Fish oil and GLA shown to reduce lymphocyte proliferation, while other fatty acids do not.
2001/07/01 - Nutrition – Immune and Inflammatory Responses by Dietary FAs
2001/04/01 - EJN – Fish Oil Improved Innate Immunity
2001/03/01 - AJCN – EPA Decreases Natural Killer Cell Activity
2000/11/01 - ERJ - Fish oil given to children with bronchial asthma reduced symptoms
2000/02/01 - IM - Omega-3 vs. Omega-6 FAs and Bronchial Asthma
2000/01/01 - AJCN - PUFAs in Lung Disease
2000/01/01 - PAI - Fatty Acids and Atopic Disease
1999/09/01 - AJCN - Essential fatty acids in health and chronic diseases
1999/01/05 - BBB – EPA Has Stronger Effect Than DHA on Immune Functions
1998/07/01 - Nutrition - Immunonutrition: The Role Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
1998/06/23 - Nutrition – Omega-3 vs. Omega-6 PUFA in Critical Illness
1998/05/24 - JMAT - Omega-3 FA Supplementation in Immunocompromised Patients
1998/04/23 - NGGZ – Omega-3 PUFA in Surgical Nutrition
1998/03/17 - BBRC - GLA and EPA shown to improve cellular function in acute immune conditions
1998/01/01 - PLEFA - EFA Shown To Reverse Tumor Cell Drug Resistance, In Vitro
1997/10/30 - JNB – DHA Reduces the Thromboxane/Prostacyclin Synthetic Ratio
1997/04/01 - AJCN - Five-Series Leukotriene Excretion with High Omega-3 PUFA
1996/06/01 - NEJM – Fish oil on Relapses in Crohn’s Disease
1996/02/05 - MJA – Oily Fish Benefits Childhood Asthma
1995/11/11 - JCE - Benefits of Fish Oil in Rheumatoid Arthritis
1995/01/01 - IJVNR – Omega-3 PUFAs in enteral nutrition
1993/11/01 - AIM - Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis With GLA
1993/09/08 - BJMBR – Fish Oil and GLA for Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases
1992/03/01 - PNAS - Evidence For A Membrane Defect In Alzheimer Disease Brain
1991/10/01 - AP – EPA Benefits Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Atopic Dermatitis, And Bronchial Asthma
1991/05/01 - RDCNA - Alleviation of Autoimmune Disease by Dietary Omega-3 FA
1991/01/01 - IAAAI - Effect Of A Fish Oil Diet On Asthma
1990/10/01 - ArthR – GLA May Reduce Arachidonic Acid Oxygenation Products
1990/09/01 - JPEN – Effects of Dietary Fatty Acids
1990/02/20 - CCM – Nutritional Immunomodulation in Burn Patients
1989/06/01 - ARRD - Allergen-Induced Late Asthmatic Response Significantly Lessened
1988/10/01 - JouR – Dietary Fish Oil Supplements in Rheumatoid Arthritis
1987/11/15 - JPEN - Effects of Fish Oil on Post-Burn Metabolism and Immunity
1986/09/15 - JCI - EPA Affects the Functions Critical to Inflammation and Immunity
1986/07/03 - AnnS - Importance of Lipid Type in Diet after Burn Injury
-0001/11/30 - Gastroenterology - Exercise and Nutrition, Harnessing Immune System to Improve Colorectal Cancer Survival