2018/03/03 - |
JCL - Omega-3 FA Inversely Associated with Mortality and Incident CVD |
2018/01/01 - |
Psychoneuro - Omega-3 and Omega-6 FA Levels in Depressive and Anxiety Disorders |
2017/10/10 - |
CPL - Mediterranean Diet FAs Attenuate Major Toxic Effects of 7-Ketocholesterol |
2017/06/15 - |
Circulation - Polyunsaturated Fats Lowers the Incidence of CVD
2017/04/11 - |
Circulation – Fish Oil and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, AHA |
2017/04/07 - |
JCL - RBC Omega 3 Levels Associated With Reduced Risk For All-Cause Mortality |
2017/02/09 - |
JCII – Fish Oil Asthma Benefits May be Blocked by Medication |
2017/02/02 - |
PLoSO – Omega-3 PUFA Intake and Fish Consumption in Children and Adolescents |
2017/01/01 - |
OMCL - Diet and Nutritional Supplements in Parkinson's Disease Progression |
2016/12/12 - |
ANM - Global Estimates of Dietary Intake of DHA and AA Internationally |
2016/11/11 - |
Biochimie - DHA Transport to Brain and Therapy for Neurodegenerative Diseases |
2015/12/12 - |
FNS – Creating Benefits from Omega-3 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals |
2015/09/03 - |
PLEFA - Hospital Cost Outcome of DHA-Rich Fish-Oil Supplementation in Pregnancy |
2015/01/01 - |
JVS - Beyond "Heart-Healthy Diet" for Peripheral Arterial Disease |
2015/01/01 - |
BRI - Alpha-Linolenic Acid: an Omega-3 FA with Neuroprotective Properties |
2014/11/27 - |
CBB – Omega-3 FA and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA for Stress Resilience, Wellness, and Military Performance |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Modeling Changes in Omega FAs of U.S. Garrison Foods |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA and Stress-Induced Immune Dysregulation |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA: Nutritional Armor and Trends for Warrior Performance |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM – Omega-3s and 6s Compete in Producing Tissue Compositions and Responses |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA Biochemistry: Perspectives From Human Nutrition |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM – LC Omega-3 FA and Optimization of Cognitive Performance |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - DHA to Mitigate Mild Traumatic Brain Injury |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM- Omega-3 FA In Surgery, Trauma, and Intensive Care |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Neuroprotection by DHA in Brain Injury |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Potential for Military Diets to Reduce Depression, Suicide, and Impulsive Aggression |
2014/11/10 - |
MilM – DHA, Evolution and Hominid Brain Development |
2014/09/19 - |
DMSO – Fish Oil Supplementation Benefits Metabolic Health |
2014/08/08 - |
MolE - Omega-3 PUFA Confers Resistance to Obesity, Dyslipidemia, and Diabetes |
2014/07/12 - |
CAPCNA - Omega-3 FA and Nutrient Deficits in Adverse Neurodevelopment and Childhood Behaviors |
2014/04/15 - |
BJM – Intake of ‘Healthy’ Fats Up, While That of Harmful Fats Remains the Same |
2014/03/11 - |
Diet and Cancer and Heart Disease |
2014/02/28 - |
BMCC – Lower Breast Cancer Risk with Higher Intake n-3/n-6 PUFA Ratio |
2014/02/01 - |
CAR - Omega-3 Fatty Acids: a Growing Ocean of Choices |
2014/01/16 - |
JAND - Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Dietary Fatty Acids for Healthy Adults |
2014/01/09 - |
CCC – Omega-3 FA Intake, Strategy for Breast Cancer Prevention |
2013/07/26 - |
Nutrients – Omega-3s and High Fructose Sugar in Development of Metabolic Syndrome |
2013/06/28 - |
Neurosc – DHA Plus Exercise Yield Additional Effects to Injured Brain |
2013/06/12 - |
AJCN - Maternal Omega-3s in Prevention of Diseases in Childhood and Adulthood |
2013/04/24 - |
EJCN - Maternal Fish Consumption and Risks of Wheezing and Eczema in Childhood |
2013/03/03 - |
NeuD - High Endogenous Omega-3 FA Protective in Spinal Cord Injury |
2013/02/25 - |
BJN – Omega-3s in Mediating Neurogenic Responses |
2013/02/05 - |
Nutrients - Bellagio Report on Healthy Agriculture, Healthy Nutrition, Healthy People |
2013/01/22 - |
NutH - Adolescence: Does Good Nutrition = Good Behaviour? |
2012/12/28 - |
PLoSO - Dietary Omega-3 Build Resistance Against Effects of TBI |
2012/10/20 - |
JSOM – Omega-3 FA and Effects on TBI Severity |
2012/10/10 - |
PLEFA - Lowering dietary LA Reduces Bioactive Oxidized LA metabolites |
2012/06/01 - |
AFNR - Omega-3 PUFAs Multiple Health Benefits - Review |
2012/05/26 - |
BBI – Omega-3 PUFAs Can Reduce Inflammation in Overweight, Sedentary Adults |
2012/03/27 - |
LHD – Omega-3 Index > 11% in Non Smokers Associated with Cardioprotection |
2012/03/23 - |
BMCC – Mediterranean Diet and Lower Risks of Breast Cancer |
2012/02/14 - |
LHD - Multiple Roles Of DGLA Acid Against Proliferation Diseases |
2012/01/29 - |
WJCD – EPA + DHA Better Than Aspirin on Inflammation and Angiogenesis |
2012/01/15 - |
AdvN - EPA and DHA: Health Benefits Throughout Life |
2012/01/13 - |
NutH - Diet AND Exercise On Cognitive Enhancement |
2012/01/01 - |
NutrR – Quantity AND Quality of Fats Benefit Cardio Health |
2011/12/29 - |
GJHS - Omega-3 Fatty Acids for PTSD Prevention |
2011/12/21 - |
CMR - Eicosanoid Pathways In Progression of Colorectal Cancer |
2011/09/15 - |
JPEN - Nutrition and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Perspective from the Institute of Medicine Report |
2011/06/30 - |
POLM - Prevent The Cause, Not Just the Symptoms |
2011/06/14 - |
MarD - Marine Bioactives In Reducing Incidence Of Chronic Diseases |
2011/06/01 - |
PreM - Exercise AND Foods In Preventing Neurological And Cognitive Disorders |
2011/03/15 - |
ACC - Fish Consumption Inversely Associated With Ischemic Stroke |
2011/03/03 - |
NutH - Preventing Poor Intake of Omega-3 Essential FAs |
2011/03/01 - |
AnP - Dietary Fats And Cardiovascular Health |
2011/02/09 - |
STM - Antiangiogenic Effect of Omega-3 FA |
2010/09/01 - |
PLEFA – Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer Risk |
2010/08/01 - |
CTOCM - Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Cardiovascular Disease Prevention |
2010/08/01 - |
CN - Omega-3, A Preventive Agent For DNA Damages And Potential Cancer Inhabitant |
2010/07/15 - |
CCQO - Blood EPA and DHA Acids Predict All-Cause Mortality |
2010/06/07 - |
Headache - Diet and Lifestyle With Headache in Students |
2010/06/01 - |
ArcN - Food Combination And Alzheimer Disease Risk: A Protective Diet |
2010/04/01 - |
RPM – Omega-3 FA and Astaxanthin in Health and Disease |
2010/03/01 - |
AJCN - EPA and DHA Biomarkers of Chronic Disease Risk |
2010/01/01 - |
OCL - Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio: Health Implications
2009/12/01 - |
UJMS – Fresh Fish Oils Best and Increase Brain Phospholipid |
2009/10/09 - |
EJHF – Omega-3 FAs and Diabetic Patients |
2009/09/09 - |
WJS – Omega-3 Immunonutrition Benefits Systemic Inflammation and Infectious Complications |
2009/08/01 - |
PLEFA - The Essentiality Of Arachidonic Acid And Docosahexaenoic Acid |
2009/08/01 - |
PLEFA - Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment |
2009/07/15 - |
CliC - Omega-3 Dietary Supplements and Risk of Cardiovascular Events |
2009/07/01 - |
AJMS - Vitamin D And Health In The 21st Century |
2009/07/01 - |
AJT - Lipid Management, Omega-3 FAs, And Vitamin D For Coronary Disease Prevention |
2009/07/01 - |
AJHSP - Therapeutic Potential of Omega-3 PUFAs in Disease
2009/06/05 - |
JBC – Effects of Omegas on Inflammatory Gene Expression |
2009/06/01 - |
FASEB - Resolvins and Protectins Benefit Obesity-Induced Insulin Resistance |
2009/04/28 - |
PLoS – Preventable Causes of US Deaths |
2009/04/08 - |
AJCN – Eating fish and wine may decrease Actinic keratoses, premalignant skin tumors. |
2009/04/04 - |
JADA - Systemic Review of the Roles of Omega-3 FA in Health and Disease |
2009/02/02 - |
NEL - Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome May Kill You |
2009/01/01 - |
WRND - Depression, Suicide And Omega-3 EFA Deficiencies In Modern Diets |
2009/01/01 - |
WRND - Evolutionary Aspects of the Dietary n-6:n-3 FA Ratio: Medical Implications |
2008/10/08 - |
CanL - Rationale For Using Long-Chain N-3 Pufas In Cancer Prevention And Treatment |
2008/08/01 - |
AJCN - Oily fish may protect eyesight in elderly |
2008/07/09 - |
NRN - Brain foods: The Effects of Nutrients (Omega-3s) on Brain Function |
2008/04/24 - |
MinP - The EFAs Omega-6 and Omega-3: from Discovery to Use in Therapy |
2008/01/30 - |
FAB - Report on the Links Between Diet, Mental Health and Behavior |
2008/01/01 - |
AHJ – ORIGIN Trial / Cardiovascular Risk Factors |
2008/01/01 - |
SL - Tissue Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease |
2008/01/01 - |
NutH - Health Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids From Fish Oils |
2007/11/27 - |
NutJ - Proper Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratios Are Important In Disease Prevention |
2007/11/01 - |
IOVS – DHA and Antioxidants Promote Photoreceptor Survival And Differentiation |
2007/09/01 - |
JADA - American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada on FAs |
2007/08/01 - |
AJCN – DHA Improves Lipid Profiles |
2007/03/01 - |
AJCN - Do n-3 fatty acids prevent osteoporosis? |
2007/01/01 - |
CR - Cardiovascular Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids |
2007/01/01 - |
ArchP - Omega 3: Is there a situation of deficiency in young children?
2006/08/01 - |
JADA - Measuring Omega-3 FA Intakes In Cardiac Patients
2005/12/01 - |
ANYAS – Dietary Fat To Improve Life And Prevent Disease |
2005/11/01 - |
JCN - We Are What We Eat: Women And Diet For Cardiovascular Health |
2005/10/19 - |
MedGM – Omega-3 FA: Recommendations for Therapeutics and Prevention |
2005/06/01 - |
NRR – Omega-3 FAs and Impact on Human Health |
2005/04/01 - |
ACLS - Omega-3 FA Antioxidant Qualities Protect Tissues |
2005/02/02 - |
BRCPS - Dietary Fats And Membrane Function: Implications For Metabolism And Disease |
2005/01/01 - |
MedH – Vitamin D supplementation to prevent multiple sclerosis |
2005/01/01 - |
RND - Omega-3 FAS and Neuropsychiatric Disorders |
2004/12/01 - |
AJCN – Sunlight and Vitamin D for Disease Prevention |
2004/09/08 - |
FDA - Permits Fish Oil Health Claim |
2004/06/15 - |
VKAGB - Epidemiology: Past, Present and Future |
2004/06/01 - |
JNB – Omega-3 Diet Reduces Hypertension. |
2004/06/01 - |
MSRD – Omega-3 FAs, Insulin Resistance, Atherosclerosis, and Inflammation |
2004/05/01 - |
RND – Alteration of PUFA Status and Metabolism in Health and Disease |
2004/03/03 - |
RinB - Importance Of EPA And DHA For Preventive Medicine |
2004/03/03 - |
EJN - What are the Health Effects of Fat? |
2004/03/01 - |
COCNMC - Omega-3 PUFAs And Allergic Disease |
2004/03/01 - |
FRR – Fish Oil Helps In Prevention Of Allergic Disease In Early Life |
2003/04/01 - |
CEA - Prenatal Omega-3 Supplementation Benefits Neonatal Immune Function |
2002/11/27 - |
JAMA - Optimal Diets For Prevention Of Coronary Heart Disease |
2002/06/03 - |
MJA - The Role Of Fats In The Lifecycle Stages |
2002/06/01 - |
PriC – Omega-3 FA and Respiratory and Allergic Diseases |
2000/10/31 - |
Circ - AHA Dietary Guidelines: Revision 2000 |
2000/01/01 - |
AJCN - Dietary PUFA and Inflammatory Mediator Production |
1999/09/09 - |
PharR – Health Benefits of DHA |
1997/10/10 - |
ANYAS - Dietary fats and hypertension |
1975/09/01 - |
AJCN – FA Composition Of Lipids In Greenland Eskimos |
1969/12/31 - |
MilM - Can Omega-3 FAs Enhance Stress Resilience, Wellness, And Military Performance? |