Omega Research
Cancer Research Children's Health and Development Diabetes Environmental Concerns Female Health and Reproduction Immune Health Inflammation Lifestyle and Healthy Living Mental/Neurological Health Organ-specific/Physiology Plant-Based GLA (Borage) Benefits Plant-Based Omegas Purity/Safety Considerations Somatosensory System Veterinary Research / Canine & Feline & other Vitamin A Research Vitamin D Research Vitamin E Research
Mental/Neurological Health
CNS and related
2018/04/04 - NutN - Omega-3 PUFA for Migraine Prevention Using Amitriptyline
2017/06/01 - BehP - Fish Oil Prevents Enhancement of Sensitivity to Effects of Quinpirole
2017/04/05 - PLoSO – Opiate Adaptations Reduced by Dietary Omega-3 FA
2017/03/03 - EJN - DHA Benefits to Coeliac Patients Vulnerable to Psychological Distress
2017/02/02 - Nutrients - Relationship between LC Omega-3 PUFA and Autism Spectrum Disorder
2016/08/11 - PLoSO - Neuroprotective Action of post-HI Administration of Tri-DHA
2016/07/30 - JACN - Concussions, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Innovative Use of Omega-3s
2016/07/27 - BrainS – The Role of PUFA in the Pathogenesis of Psychiatric Diseases
2016/05/05 - BipD - Meta-Analysis of Erythrocyte PUFA Biostatus in Bipolar Disorder
2016/04/21 - Nutrients - Vitamin D and Autism Spectrum Disorder
2016/04/05 - LHD - Maternal Omega-3 PUFAs Deficiency and its Role in Neonatal CNS
2015/09/09 - JNeuro - DHA Improves Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury
2014/08/08 - MolN – Neurorestorative Targets of Dietary LCPUFA in Neurological Injury
2013/06/28 - Neurosc – DHA Plus Exercise Yield Additional Effects to Injured Brain
2013/06/15 - JNeuro – Omega-3 FA a Putative Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury
2013/03/20 - AJCN - DHA Improved Both Memory And Reaction Time
2013/03/02 - BDev – PUFA-Enriched Diet Therapy Benefits Children with Refractory Epilepsy
2013/02/11 - LHD – DHA and Aspirin for Protection Against Neurodegenerative Diseases
2013/01/15 - ArqN - Omega-3 and Prevention of Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy
2012/12/28 - PLoSO - Dietary Omega-3 Build Resistance Against Effects of TBI
2012/11/11 - SchR - A Meta-Analysis of PUFA of Erythrocyte Membranes in Schizophrenia
2012/07/20 - PLoSO – Diet and/or Exercise to Enhance Spinal Cord Sensorimotor Learning
2012/06/26 - JNS – DHA and Curcumin Can Promote Spinal Cord Neuroprotection
2012/03/08 - GN – Partial Rescue of Rett Syndrome by Omega-3 PUFAS
2010/12/01 - CNSD – Omega-3 FAs, a Safer Intervention for Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder
2010/03/01 - COCNMC - Nutritional And Clinical Significance Of Lipid Rafts
2010/02/02 - Nutrients - Omega-3 FA in Psychopathology Across the Lifespan
2010/01/02 - JCL - Altered Cholesterol And FA Metabolism In Huntington Disease
2009/12/30 - NEL – Omega-3 in Plasma Membrane for Cell Function, Development and Plasticity
2009/12/01 - UJMS – Fresh Fish Oils Best and Increase Brain Phospholipid
2009/08/01 - JACN – Omega-3 Benefits Reactivity in Athletes
2009/07/31 - NeuroR - PUFAs Protect Against Prion-Mediated Synapse Damage
2009/03/13 - JNHA - Synapse Formation Enhanced by DHA
2009/03/01 - JPGN – Omega-3 FAs and Neural Development to 2 Years of Age
2009/02/01 - PLEFA – Omega-3 FAs Benefit Multiple Sclerosis Patients
2009/01/01 - PLEFA – Benefits of Omega-3 Gene And Protein Expression
2008/11/15 - PLEFA – DHA and Cognitive Function - Review
2008/07/21 - COID – Low omega-3s may be a factor in neurological disorders.
2008/06/09 - JAD – Fish oil shown to reduce depression associated with Parkinson’s Disease
2008/04/25 - EB - EPA and DHA shows little evidence of effectively treating epilepsy
2008/04/11 - BBA – DHA plays part in complex signaling network
2007/12/20 - JN - Omega-3 FA Shows Possibility Of Being A Natural Treatment For Epilepsy
2007/11/27 - PR – DHA improves neurological conditions in infants.
2007/10/03 - EJN - Low Ω-3 and Ω-6 levels are associated wtih perihperal nerve function.
2007/10/03 - Brain - DHA improves spinal cord injury in rats.
2007/06/29 - JBC - Novel Metabolism Of Docosahexaenoic Acid In Neural Cells
2007/04/01 - JNNP – PUFA and Vitamin E Reduces Risk of Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS)
2007/03/26 - NL – Omega-3 FA Upregulate Adult Neurogenesis
2005/11/01 - PLEFA - Low Fat Diet with Omega-3 FAs in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
2005/07/07 - EpiB - Human trial shows promise and benefit in people with epilepsy
2005/02/01 - MedS - Omega-3 FA In Psychiatry
2005/01/01 - MH – Benefits of Omega-3 FAs in Curbing Bed-Wetting
2004/03/01 - Seizure – Omega-3 FAs in Reducing Seizures
2004/03/01 - CPL – DHA Derivatives Help Stabilize Oxidation
2003/04/04 - Lipids - Effects of DHA on Neuronal Apoptosis
2002/01/01 - Epilepsia - Omega-3 FA Alleviates Convulsion Symptoms In Epilepsy Patients
2001/09/01 - Lipids - Mechanisms Of Action: Docosahexaenoic Acid In The Nervous System
2000/09/01 - ANS – Dietary Advice and Omega-3 FAs Improve Clinical Outcome
1999/05/01 - JLR - Preferential prenatal accumulation of DHA