Omega Research
Cancer Research Children's Health and Development Diabetes Environmental Concerns Female Health and Reproduction Immune Health Inflammation Lifestyle and Healthy Living Mental/Neurological Health Organ-specific/Physiology Plant-Based GLA (Borage) Benefits Plant-Based Omegas Purity/Safety Considerations Somatosensory System Veterinary Research / Canine & Feline & other Vitamin A Research Vitamin D Research Vitamin E Research
Plant-Based Omegas
Algal EPA - DHA
2017/12/26 - MarD - Marine Cryptophytes Are Great Sources of EPA and DHA
2016/03/03 - EJN - Nutrient Reference Value: Non-Communicable Disease Endpoints
2016/01/01 - Lipids - Low Omega-6:3 PUFA ratios Exert Beneficial Cardiovascular Effects
2014/03/06 - JCN - Vegans Responded Robustly To Low Dose Omega-3 Supplement
2014/01/01 - CRFSN - Bioavailability and Potential Uses of Vegetarian Sources of Omega-3 FA
2013/10/10 - LHD - Botanical Oils on PUFA Metabolism and Leukotriene Generation in Mild Asthmatics
2012/10/17 - AJCN - ALA and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
2012/09/29 - MarD – Marine Macroalgae PUFA for Nutritional and Pharmaceutical Use
2012/01/01 - JNut – Algal DHA Reduces Triglycerides and Raises Cholesterol Ratios
2012/01/01 - Maturitas - Calcium, Vitamin D, and DHA For Bone Health
2011/12/12 - FCT - Safety Evaluation Of DHA-Rich Algal Oil
2011/09/01 - Pediatrics - DHA In Pregnancy May Ward Off Babies’ Colds
2011/06/14 - MarD - Marine Bioactives In Reducing Incidence Of Chronic Diseases
2011/05/05 - Nutrients – DHA, An Ancient Nutrient for Modern Human Brain
2011/02/02 - JNut – DHA Influenced Breast Milk FA Concentrations
2011/02/02 - JNut – DHA in Lactating Mothers Leads to High Concentrations in Very Preterm Infants
2011/02/01 - JNut – Algal DHA Provides Beneficial Changes In Cardiometabolic Risk Markers
2010/12/01 - JP - Maternal DHA On Neuropsychological Status And Visual Acuity Of Infants
2010/11/11 - AlzD – DHA Benefits Cognition Age-related Decline
2010/11/11 - RPFNA - Present And Potential Industrial Applications Of Macro- And Microalgae
2010/11/03 - JAMA – DHA and Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer Disease
2010/11/01 - JMWH - Prenatal omega-3 FAs: Review and Recommendations
2010/06/01 - FNB – DHA Supplementation During Pregnancy on Gestational Age and Size
2010/05/05 - Lipids – DHA and DPAn-6 Reduce Inflammatory Mediators
2010/05/01 - CurAlzRes – DHA Prevention of CVD and Cognitive Decline
2010/02/03 - AJCN – DHA Boosts Brain Function in Boys
2010/02/02 - Atherosclerosis - DHA Protects Low-Density Lipoproteins From Oxidation
2009/12/15 - BJC – DHA Improving Chemotherapy Outcome
2009/09/01 - FASEB - DHA Pin-Pointed For Optimal Heart Benefits
2009/08/01 - PLEFA – DHA and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
2009/04/01 - JADA – DHA Supplement Increases Plasma DHA in Children
2009/03/01 - JN - Omega-3 DHA Decreases Inflammatory Factors
2008/07/07 - JADA - Algal-Oil DHA Represents A Safe And Convenient Source Of DHA.
2007/11/11 - Lipids – DHA Bioequivalence From Different Algal Oils
2007/04/01 - JN – DHA Lowers Diastolic Blood Pressure
2007/01/01 - ArchP - Omega 3: Is there a situation of deficiency in young children?
2006/01/01 - Nutrition - Bioavailability And Safety Study Of Algal DHA In Cystic Fibrosis Patients
2005/06/01 - JACN - Lipid Responses To A Dietary DHA Supplement
2005/04/01 - JPed - DHA-supplemented Formulas Benefit Pre-term Infants
2004/12/12 - ANYAS – DHA Microalga Inhibits Cell Growth And Induces Apoptosis In Human Breast Carcinoma Cells
2004/02/12 - US-FDA - DHA ALGAL Generally Regarded as Safe
2000/08/01 - JNut - EPA Plus GLA Prevents AA Accumulation in Humans
2000/01/01 - FCT – Algal Oil Is A Safe And Bioavailable Source Of Dietary DHA
2000/01/01 - ANM - Role of Plant-Derived Omega-3 FA in Human Nutrition
1997/08/06 - PLEFA – Borage and Fish Oils on Membrane Changes
1985/06/09 - NEJM – Omega-3s on Neutrophil-Monocyte Leukotriene Generation and Neutrophil Function